Recent Publications
Refereed Books:
Refereed Book Chapters:
Refereed Journal Articles
- Arnold, E., Burroughs, E., Carlson, M. A., Fulton, E., Wickstrom, M. H. *(2021). Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling, K-6. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Arnold, E., Burroughs, E., Carlson, M. A., Fulton, E., Wickstrom, M. H.* (2021). Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling, 7-12. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Suh, J., Wickstrom, M. H., & English, L (Eds.). (2021) Exploring the Nature of Mathematical Modeling in the Early Grades. New York, NY: Springer,
Refereed Book Chapters:
- Jung, H., & Wickstrom, M. H. (2022). Modeling library funding. In T. G. Bartell, C. Yeh, M. D. Felton-Koestler, & R. Q. Berry III (Eds.), Upper elementary mathematics lessons to explore, understand, and respond to social injustice. Corwin and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Wickstrom, M. H. & Yates, A. *(2021). Mathematical Modeling: Analyzing Elementary Students’ Perceptions of What it means to Know and Do Mathematics. In Suh, J., Wickstrom, M. H., English, L (Eds.). Exploring the Nature of Mathematical Modeling in the Early Grades (pp.209-233). Springer.
- Barrett, J., Wickstrom, M. H., Tobias, J. M., Cullen, C., Cullen, A., Baek, J. (2019) Chapter 3: Children’s Measurement Project: Sharing Trajectories with Teachers. In Paola Sztajn & P. Holt Wilson (Eds.) Designing Professional Development for Mathematics Learning Trajectories (pp. 48-74). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
- Fulton, E. W., Wickstrom, M. H., Carlson, M. A., Burroughs, E. A. (2019). Chapter 7: Teachers as Learners: Engaging Communities of Learners in Mathematical Modelling through Professional Development. In G. A. Stillman & J. Brown (Eds.), Lines of Inquiry in Mathematical Modelling Research in Education. (pp. 125-142). New York, NY: Springer.
- Carlson, M. A., Wickstrom, M. H., Burroughs, E. A., & Fulton, E. W (2016). A case for mathematical modeling in the elementary classroom. In C. Hirsch (Ed.), Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education: Mathematical Modeling and Modeling Mathematics (pp.121-129). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Wickstrom. M. H., Lopez-Mercado, C., Jung, H. (In Press/September 2024). Cultivating K-8 Teachers’ Critical Consciousness through Social Justice Mathematical Modeling: The Teacher Pay Task. Mathematics Teacher Educator.
- Wickstrom, M. H., & Jung, H. (In Press/July 2024). Understanding pre-service teachers as mathematical modelers and their perceptions of the process. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education.
- Theobold, A. S., Wickstrom, M. H., Hancock, S. A. (2023). Coding code: Qualitative methods for investigating data science skills. Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 32(2), 161–173.
- Jung, H. & Wickstrom, M.H. (2023). Teachers creating mathematical models to fairly distribute school funding. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 70, 1-18.
- Amarel, T. L. & Wickstrom, M. H. (2023). Math metaphors: Windows into mathematical experiences. Mathematics Teacher Learning and Teaching PK12, 116(4), 273-280.
- Wickstrom, M. H., & Arnold, E. (2022). Pre-service teachers as teachers and learners of mathematical modeling. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications.
- Wickstrom, M. H. (2022) Developing Pre-Service Teachers’ Understanding of Area through a Units Intervention. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 10(2), 143-170.
- Jung, H., Wickstrom, M. H., Piasecki, C. (2021) Bridging modeling and environmental issues. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK-12, 114(11), 845-852.
- Wickstrom, M. H., & Roscoe, M. (2020) Geometric Modeling: Determining the Largest Lake. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K-12, 113(8), 643-650.
- Wickstrom, M. H., & Langrall, C. W. (2020). The case of Mrs. Purl: Using a learning trajectory as a tool for teaching. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 23, 97-125. 10.1007/s10857-018-9412-8
- Wickstrom, M. H., Fulton, E.W., & Lackey, D. (2019). Legos: Linking Fractions, Operations, and Area. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 24(6), 339-346.
- Wickstrom, M. H., & Aytes, T. (2018). Elementary modeling: Connecting counting and sharing. Teaching Children Mathematics, 24(5), 300-307. (cover article)
- Wickstrom, M. H., Fulton, E.W., Carlson, M. A. (2017). Pre-service teachers’ conceptions of tiling and relating area units. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 48, 112-136.
- Wickstrom, M. H., Carr, R., & Lackey D. (2017). Exploring Yellowstone national park with mathematical modeling. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 22(8), 462-470. (cover article)